Monday, October 3, 2011

Jupiter and Pluto Collaborate in October

Life is so funny.  Here I am about to look at the transits for the next little while and I pop up the chart for this very moment.  Here it is:

As I said in my first post, I had no precise plans to do a blog, just sat down today and did it.  I didn’t look at the planets at all.  And here is the chart of the very moment I’m writing this.  Jupiter is right on the ascendant.  And look, the chart itself is the flip side of my own Scorpio rising chart.  Of course I knew Jupiter was lurking at my seventh house cusp but it still seems funny to me, like when you look at a baby and see the image of Great Uncle Herb. 
At this very moment, Jupiter is moving retrograde (the illusion of moving backwards) toward a more precise trine (positive angle) with Pluto.  This is energy of success and accomplishment which will be most intense toward the end of the month.  Then it will wane for a bit and be even stronger next spring.  This is the time to work harder, and to reach for more of what you really want. 
Jupiter is in Taurus, the first earth (or practical) sign, and Pluto is in Capricorn and part of the reason for the global economic meltdown.  Capricorn is the final earth sign.  Virgo, the other earth sign, is looking pretty good right about now.  For those of you with planets in the early degrees of Virgo, this can bring a large boost of positive energy into your life.  It’s the time to focus on building up whatever elements in your life are defined by that particular Virgo planet.  You don’t have to have Virgo planets to enjoy this energy, however.  It’s also very good for Taurus planets and even Capricorn planets.  Pisces can also benefit.  In fact, there’s useful energy here for all the earth AND water sign planets being hit (Cancer and Scorpio too).  And just having this beneficial trine in the sky is good for the world in general.  We’ve had much strident energy lately between Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, but right now that is transforming into a helpful, hopeful trine. Next summer Uranus and Pluto will be warring again, so make the most of the kinder, gentler energy we’re having at the moment.
 Jupiter and Pluto work well together and can produce a burst of intense energy that will bring about positive changes for the greater good.  Use them in your own life to generate more optimism and success.


  1. It would be just wonderful to have some positive energy going I'm all for it!!! Good writing Nancy!!

  2. I knew you could do it...this is going to be amazing...

  3. Congratulations on your new blog adventure! I don't know much about what's written in the stars. I'm sure I'll learn a thing or two from you! xoxo

  4. Hi Nancy...Found you! So happy that you've now joined us in the blogosphere! I'm looking foward so much to learning more about astrology, from a real expert! Much love xoxo Rachel

  5. Nancy...I told could do it..and you'd be good at it! Don't know much about the stars etc but will learn a thing or two I'm sure! hee hee

    Have a blessed day!

  6. Well, what a nice surprise to find you've created a blog. Think it's wonderful and makes me feel better reading it this morning. Going to do as you say and take your advice to work hard right now. The chart at top is pretty but also very foreign to a newbie!
    Know this is going to be a lot of fun for you and for the reader. Congratulations sweetie!

  7. I have a lot to learn, Nancy, but I get that we're in for some extra positive energy and I like that! You know I agree with everyone else that it's great to see your blog. Congratulations on beginning it, and thank you in advance for all the cool stuff I'm sure to discover here :) xoxo


Any thoughts? Ready, set, go!