Friday, October 7, 2011

A Weekend of Creativity and Love

There’s some pleasantly gentle and creative energy this weekend, thanks to beneficial connections between Venus, the planet of pleasure and affection, and Neptune, the planet of illusion, delusion, and spirituality.  Venus and Neptune together can promote creativity and a selfless love that is beautiful if it doesn’t degenerate to the martyr stage. 
          Friday is the perfect day to see a movie, attend a concert, or just to focus on your own creative endeavors.  I see more movies than most people should and okay popcorn is a big part of this, but on another level it’s the Neptune that draws me in.  Once the lights go down and the screen fills with images, it’s easy to get pulled into another world, one that has nothing to do with me.  I like that.  Anything nagging at me dissolves and I am immersed in another reality.  This is a process very like meditation, one of hyper focus and abandonment of the self.  Even a bad movie can be healing in that regard, although a very bad movie can generate anger and the desire to have those two hours refunded.  A great movie can provide a healing because of the sense that you have received a boost of pleasure.  There’s more to it than mere enjoyment, however, because creativity is the energy of the Gods.
 It’s easy to assume that anything you do that’s creative comes from you, and on some level it does, but in fact there are guides all around you sending out inspiration, and you, like the lightning rod you are, capture that energy, have your aha moment and think okay, I will paint the Sistine Chapel.  Giving into creativity is like giving into sex.  You’re riding a wave that is greater than just you alone.  You can receive this boost from participating in creativity (such as seeing a movie) or any form of art.  That’s why even when art is ugly, it’s also beautiful.  We absorb the vibration from spirit that first inspired the artist to create it.

There is much of this energy this weekend and it begins on Friday.  So make a plan to do something to acknowledge the spirit inside of you, even if you just dance around in your living room to some compelling music.  It will restore your spirit and open you up to express your own talents more completely.
Saturday is a nice but more intense day.  Emotions are more vivid and fervent.  There’s a sense that life could be better, should be a bit different, and far less bland.  Everyone wants to feel more, to give in more to passion and to express those intense feelings of adoration to the person who inspires them.  Well do most people have sex mainly on the weekend?  I don’t know but it’s a nice time to indulge on Saturday.  Venus is in passionate Scorpio, so give in and ride a few waves of your own.
This mood continues less intensely on Sunday as there isn’t much precise astrological energy happening. 
By Monday everyone is a little more driven, a bit more self-centered and focused on individual goals, plans and desires.  The sweet tenderness of the weekend begins to evaporate, so grab it now, while you can.


  1. Dear Nancy,

    I think it's lovely that you take time out to go to the movies. Nuno and I don't go to the movies very often because of the girls. Most often we go to the movies with them to watch a "family" movie. I think you're right about this weekend. I know for me, it is going to be a wonderful weekend. It's going to be sunny and warm and I'm going to have fun and indulge. After all, it's a long weekend here and Thanksgiving has a lot to do with it too! Hope you have a fun, indulgent weekend as well! xoxo

  2. I watched the Masterpiece Mystery Miss Marple I'd been saving on my DVR for just the right occasion. No matter how gruesome the crime, I always love Miss Marple, and I think this was the perfect weekend to watch. It was fun to have a sneak peek at the weekend's energy. It's raining today -- a good day to stay home and watch another Masterpiece Mystery :)


Any thoughts? Ready, set, go!